Good News for the Real You.
Real life is hard. God gives us good news to face it. Together.
9:30 A.M. Sunday School
10:30 A.M. Morning Service
6 P.M. Evening Service
6:30 P.M. Bible Study
What should I wear?
Dress as you feel comfortable. Men usually wear jeans or slacks. Women wear anything from dresses to jeans. Please don’t let the clothes you own keep you from coming.
What is a church service like?
We read the Bible, sing songs, listen to a sermon, and respond to the sermon with more singing.
Will I have to do anything?
You will not be put on the spot. You won’t have to do anything or say anything.
What about my kids?
Please bring your children. We have a kids class during our morning worship for kids 1-4. Kids are also welcome and encouraged to be in the service. We have activity pages for them to keep their hands busy. If you need to step out because a little one gets rowdy, that is not a problem. We do have a mother’s room if you need to feed or change your little one in privacy.
Is Evening Service for me?
Anyone is welcome in our evening service. It is a little more informal. We sing, learn about and pray for God’s work around the world, and listen to a sermon. Our evening service may be a fit if you can’t attend on Sunday morning because of work or travel, want something a little less crowded, or are excited about growing as a disciple.
What is Sunday School?
These are classes where we help people of all ages grow to be like Jesus. That is our focus as a church: growing to be like Jesus.
What does MBC believe?
Our statement of faith can be found here.
Our Pastor
Joe Radosevich is married to Emma, and they have six children. They moved to Manchester in 2021 and love Manchester, Scott County, and (217). He graduated from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Contact us.
Please reach out with questions!